What are Tips?
The Tips feature allows customers to add a tip to their order to show appreciation for exceptional service. Peazi's online ordering platform automatically sets default tip percentages of 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%, making it easy for customers to add a gratuity to their order.

How does it work?
During the checkout process, customers can select a tip amount or enter a custom tip for their order. Peazi's Tips feature is transparent and easy to use, making it convenient for customers to show appreciation for their favourite venues.
How will it help your venue?
Venues that use Peazi's Tips feature have reported an average increase of 400% in gratuity. Customers appreciate the convenience of being able to leave a tip online, and the default tip percentages make it easy for them to do so. Additionally, the Tips feature can help venues support their staff and improve overall service quality. With a streamlined checkout process and the ability to set default tip percentages, Peazi's Tips feature can be a valuable addition to your online ordering platform.